Bruschetta, gegrilltes Gemüse, Käse & Salami
serviert mit Kartoffelpürree und Preiselbeeren
mit Kürbiskernen in Barolosoße, Rotweinbirne, dazu Kartoffelpürree
mit Tomatenscheibe & Mozzarella, Rosmarinkartoffeln & Gemüseragout
in Tomatensoße, garniert mit Burrata
garniert mit Rumpsteakscheiben
und Cherrytomaten in leichter Tomatensoße
dazu Risotto
Für unsere kleinen Gäste
Tomato salad with red onions
Mixed salad with onions
Tomato slices with mozzarella and basil
Mixed salad with tuna, olives and onions
Mixed salad with tuna, cheese, ham, egg and olives
Mixed salad with turkey strips and mushrooms
Cream of tomato soup
Italian vegetable soup
Clear soup with seafood
Roasted vegetables and variation of cold starters
Slices of veal with tuna sauce
Seafood salad
Spicy fried prawns from the oven
Fine slices of beef with parmesan and ruccola
Toasted bread with onions and diced tomatoes
Toasted bread with smoked salmon and red onions
Grilled turkey steak mediterranean style on vegetable ragout
Argentinean rump steak from the grill
Argentinian rump steak in green pepper sauce flambéed with cognac
Veal escalope with fresh tomatoes and mozzarella, in Chardonnay cream sauce
Veal escalope with Parma ham and sage in white wine sauce
Veal escalope with porcini mushrooms in porcini sauce
Salmon from the grill
Salmon on a crust of grated potatoes in orange sauce
Grilled salmon in dill sauce
Fried squid rings with Provencal herbs
Grilled octopus and king prawns on lemon slices
King prawns with mushrooms in pernod sauce
Pizza dal forno a legna (Pizza from the wood oven)
Tomato sauce and cheese
Tomato sauce, cooked ham and cheese
Tomato sauce, cooked ham, mushrooms and cheese
Tomato sauce, salami and cheese
Tomato sauce, cooked ham, salami, mushrooms and cheese
Tomato sauce, cooked ham, pineapple and cheese
Tomato sauce, ham, salami, mushrooms and cheese
Tomato sauce, tuna, onions and cheese
Tomato sauce, tuna, spinach, onions and cheese
Tomato sauce, seafood and cheese
Tomato sauce and mozzarella slices
Tomato sauce, spinach, onions, peppers and cheese
Tomato sauce, hot salami, paprika and cheese
Tomato sauce, cooked ham, mushrooms, artichokes, anchovies and cheese
Tomato sauce, rocket and cheese
Tomato sauce, olives, anchovies and cheese
Tomato sauce, cooked ham, mushrooms, artichokes, olives and cheese
Tomato sauce and four different types of cheese
Tomato sauce, spinach, gorgonzola and cheese
Pasta Fatta in Casa (homemade pasta dishes)
Spaghetti with garlic oil, slightly spicy
Spaghetti with shrimps, cherry tomatoes and parsley
Spaghetti with rump steak strips in cherry tomato sauce
Spaghetti with bacon, egg in cream sauce and parmesan cheese
Spaghetti with seafood in white wine sauce
Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and ruccola garnished with fine
strips of beef and Parmesan
Tagliatelle with fresh salmon in tomato-cream sauce
Tagliatelle with basil pesto and cherry tomatoes with parmesan wedges
Tagliatelle with mushrooms and prawns in butter-lemon sauce
Tagliatelle with fresh salmon and fresh spinach in cream sauce
Tagliatelle with prawns and cherry tomatoes in chilli cream sauce
Fine ribbon noodles with fresh salmon and courgette strips
in butter-lemon sauce
Fine ribbon noodles with prawns, grilled and smoked salmon2
in lime-orange sauce
Wide ribbon noodles with porcini mushrooms and prawns in porcini sauce
Wide ribbon noodles with mushrooms and bacon in cream sauce
Wide ribbon noodles with porcini mushrooms and gorgonzola sauce
Pasta with diced onions, olives in spicy tomato sauce
Pasta with broccoli in gorgonzola sauce
Stuffed dumplings with ricotta and spinach in butter sage sauce
with shaved parmesan
Stuffed dumplings with porcini mushrooms and gorgonzola in porcini mushroom sauce
Stuffed pastry with porcini mushrooms and salmon in butter-cherry tomato sauce
Al Forno (Überbackenes)
Lasagne sheets with minced beef and béchamel sauce
Pasta with turkey strips and mushrooms in cream sauce
Rolled pasta sheets filled with ricotta and spinach in tomato cream sauce
Risotto (Reis)
Risotto with seafood in white wine sauce
Risotto with prawns and porcini mushrooms in cherry tomato sauce
with French fries
with French fries
Pizza with tomato sauce and cheese
Pizza with tomato sauce, salami and cheese
Pizza with tomato sauce, cooked ham and cheese
3 scoops of vanilla ice cream with hot chocolate sauce
Espresso with a scoop of vanilla ice cream